Welcome to Add Share Sale...


               AddShareSale.com is idea of our team leader cum managing director Hitesh Kaneriya, he develop many e-commerce portal and follow but, after 2-3 month most of portal get closed or not attract much traffic, So he just get curiosity to find out reason behind all of this failure or not more online customer attraction in this internet era. After talking many people he conclude that most of e-commerce fail because of they do not have back end inventory management or product line to offer their customer and its quite difficult always to add supplier or get notified from them time to time as they not or less use of technology.

              So, he think to find solution for both Supplier and Seller, as Supplier can promote their product or make available them to online market without knowing or investing more in technology and same time Seller able to manage existing as well as find new Supplier. So the concept comes on Notepad to word pad to finalization and AddShareSale.com born!! Now no more e-commerce portal get failed because of less inventory or no supplier suffer from not knowing more about technology and way to make available product for online market.

               Hope you like your concept and we always welcome your suggestion at care@addsharesale.com

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